What You Need to Know about PE Endorsement

If you decide to take a career path in the building construction industry, then one term that you continuously hear about is PE endorsement. And there is nothing much to it since PE stands for Professional Engineer.

This term applies to all licensed engineers working in all fields involved in creating, maintaining, and using the buildings. The same goes for machinery and other items that are part of daily life and industry. Before partaking in prescribed branches of professional engineering work in Singapore, it is essential that you equip yourself with a practicing certificate.

On the other hand, you must also be working under the direction of the supervision of a registered professional engineer who possesses one. The same goes to anyone who is working as a sole proprietor or a partner in an official, licensed with a fellow professional.

By now you might already be wondering what is PE endorsement? Well, the Professional Engineers (PE) board of Singapore brought about this endorsement as a way to ensure that construction projects are approved before commencing. You must complete an extensive checklist and approved by your assigned PE in order to qualify for this endorsement.

One thing you should always remember is that there are different types of PE endorsements you can make do with. Some of the most popular options include civil engineering, mechanical & electrical engineering, and structural engineering.

With mechanical and electrical engineering, you obtain the necessary endorsements for building projects that entails gas supplies, lifts and escalators, air conditioning systems, and water supplies. Things tend to be different with civil engineering since you learn to design, supervise, and approve projects such as roadworks, building plans, sewage routing and airport infrastructure projects.

Last but not least is structural engineering. With this type of PE endorsement, you’re to ensure that your project structures meet the set expectations of the Singapore governing bodies. Ensure you understand how each type of PE endorsement works before deciding on anything.

If you’re ready to make do with PE endorsement in Singapore, then you should consider getting in touch with GL Power. Their various consultancies include feasibility studies, preparation of tender documents, tender evaluation and project management. Better, they provide PE endorsement for lightning protection.

It is in your best interest that you check out GL Power PTE Ltd today to better understand what goes into their PE/LEW endorsement/consultancy services.